What kinda party?
Can you believe this ? The NDPs have wasted time and money deciding if they need to drop "NEW" from their name. Is this really the most important thing they should be worried about with a possible election coming up this year? Wow!
Now I am not up on all the latest kid-speak but I am pretty sure that "DP" means something very different than Democratic Party to the younger crowd (look it up on urban dictionary if you dare). Perhaps this is how they plan to attract new voters.
Well, let me save you a ton of wasted time and money and offer up the following suggestion:
Keep the "NEW". If I were doing your marketing, I would be putting a spin on the "New" stands for a new way of thinking, a new government, new ideas in a time of turmoil. A NEW party to lead this country heading into a new decade. But perhaps you aren't really new at all...
As a side note, I wonder if that is what the DP stands for in DP Murphy?
" As a side note, I wonder if that is what the DP stands for in DP Murphy?"
LOL OMG - Mandy
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