For the curious, the name of this blog comes from something my Grandmother used to say.
I'd ask "Nanny, what's for supper?" and she would often reply, "oh I don't know, maybe fried farts and vinegar." It seemed like a pretty random and curious combination of things.
I hope this blog will live up to those standards...

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's a Kinda Magic

Yes, I am talking about the iPhone again. This little device has actually proven to be the most incredible piece of technology I have ever had the pleasure of owning.

Over the weekend we used this "phone" to rent a movie that we were then able to watch on our HD TV. The quality was as good as any up-converted standard DVD (I would say better) and at $4.99 the price was very reasonable. The best part is we didn't have to leave the house and we got the movie we wanted without waiting in lines or hoping it was "in". We didn't even have to worry about returning it. The movie removes itself automatically from the iPhone 48 hours later. Very cool!

The next evening we arrived at a party where the host had setup iTunes DJ on his laptop computer. Every guest at the party who had an iPhone or an iPod Touch (or could get their hands on one at least) was able to vote for songs and influence the playlist that became the soundtrack for what turned out to be a fun filled evening. I thought it was a neat idea when I first saw it in iTunes but the reality is truly amazing. Even people who had never used an iPhone before were easily able to swipe and scroll through lists of music and vote for the song they wanted to hear. Songs then magically arranged themselves based on numbers of votes. Each phone can only vote for each song no one can rule the music all night. A great idea, that turned out to be great fun.

Congrats Chantelle and Stewie! The engagement party was a blast! Play some RUSH wouldya boys!