We Stand On Guard
I often get songs stuck in my head. In fact it's sort of like a radio station in there, there is almost constantly a song playing. Friday night after the Rocket game I had Oh Canada stuck in my head. Does that mean I should have remained standing at attention until it was replaced by another song?
That must be a family gene gone wrong. I have the same problem. It is really bad with me when I hear a new song, that I like. I will play it in my head till I know every word. It is crazy, and very annoying. But I never forget songs either. The kids are always amazed how I know every song that comes on the radio. Pretty much every station, rock, pop, country. Weird.
Maybe this happens to everyone and no-one talks about it?????? Or, maybe we are just weird.
I am glad it isn't only me! I have found it to be sort of useful though...I get these songs stuck in my head and I hear every note, so I have found it to be helpful for learning songs on the both guitar and piano. Plus I have actually made a game out of it too...I think it drives Carla crazy but when we are listening to the radio I ask her to name the song on the radio..if she gets that, I ask her to name the artist...if she gets that I ask the album.
I don't know if everyone hears songs in their heads or not, but perhaps it does run in families.
LOL my friend Jan calls them earworms. I currently have two songs, but the most prevalent is a song that I saw on Ellen the other day. A guy that I had never heard tell of, Pitbull, with a very catchy song...not sure of title but probably I Want You or somesuch. Different Ellen show, Lady Gaga wanting us to take a ride on A Disco Stick and reinforces on So You Think Yo Can Dance Canada this week as the song used in an amazing group number.
So, I feel your pain!
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