For the curious, the name of this blog comes from something my Grandmother used to say.
I'd ask "Nanny, what's for supper?" and she would often reply, "oh I don't know, maybe fried farts and vinegar." It seemed like a pretty random and curious combination of things.
I hope this blog will live up to those standards...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News

Back in January, people on the PEI Patient Registry List received good news.  Seventeen new doctors had been recruited to work in PEI. I received a phone call to let me know that Dr. Wayne Cox would begin practicing in Cornwall at the Medical Clinic, and he would become my new family doctor.

I am very pleased to say that Dr. Cox has turned out to be an excellent doctor. He took my very painful, and long standing stomach issue seriously. I was sent for the necessary testing, and he was then able to prescribe a solution. Since then, I have been visiting his office every 3 months and for the first time in years, I can honestly say I have been feeling great.

That is why I am so disappointed by the news that Dr. Cox is leaving PEI and moving back to his former home in the United States. Later this month he will leave the Cornwall Medical Clinic, and the rather large patient load he was caring for will return to the bottom of the PEI Patient Registry List. The advice I received from the clinic was that I will need to call and get my name back on the registry, and in the meantime I should go to walk-in clinics to make sure my prescription does not run out.

I can't blame Dr. Cox for leaving, I know for a fact that he had a house that he was trying to sell and he has a wife and children who have to try to acclimatize to PEI life. In short, he has his own life and concerns to take care of.  However, our government has been promoting the advances they have made in health care and has been working to convince us that doctor shortages are being looked after. It is great that we managed to recruit 17 new doctors this year. My question is what are we doing to keep them?

I suggest that as part of new doctor recruitment we set up a contract that guarantees recruited doctors will stay in PEI for a minimum of 3 years. If they leave early, they pay a monetary penalty. The penalty should be large enough that the decision to come here would be one that was well thought out and the likelihood of their leaving would be low. At the end of the contract if they wish to renew there would be a suitable incentive for them to stay for another 3 year term. This could be extended to offer larger incentives for longer terms.

That's my complaint and my idea towards a solution...I'd love to hear your thoughts.


Ian o' the Island said...

Hey Dale, isn't Ghiz's wife a doctor. So I say if he can't fix the doctor issue he should send his wife over pronto to deal with your family's medical needs!

I like the model they have here in the Yukon. Nurse practitioners who are very qualified, and consult with a doctor if beyond their scope of training.

It seems to be a very efficient model to me, so far.

PEI seems to be keeping it's head in the sand, red at that, about what it actually has the capacity to deliver on.

Time to look at a new model of health care I think.


MamaC said...

As the wife of another of
Dr. Cox's patients, and your future mother-in-law, I was very upset by this news as well. For the first time in nine years, Peter could drive 10 minutes instead of 45 (Summerside)to see the doctor, the rare instance that it was required. For the first time since we've known you, you've been healthy and pain free. I hope that Dr. Cox will give you as long an extension as possible on your medication.

I agree with what you say, I just don't think that the government would ever go for it. It is sad that part of the doctor's family is so happy to be here (he is a hockey nut), and the rest can't settle into our beautiful Island. They will likely regret the move back to North Carolina at some point in the future, and unfortunately it's PEI's loss now.

Thanks for the reminder that Pete needs to call and get on the registry.