An open letter to all drivers
Dear driver,
I really have a few favours to ask. Please understand I am not trying to be judgemental, we all make mistakes out there and there is a lot going on in everyone's lives these days. I think if you take the time to read this and give it a moment or two of thought, you will agree these requests are very reasonable.
- Please be courteous to other drivers
- Please watch out for school zones and crosswalks
- Please look both ways before pulling away from that stop sign
- Please don't run the yellow light if you have time to stop
- Please put your cellphone away while you drive. If you really must use it get a headset or pull over
- Please never, ever text while driving
- Please realize there are no right hand passing lanes on PEI
- Please realize that right hand turning lanes are marked. If it isn't marked it isn't a lane.
- Please stay on your own side of the road at all times, unless you are safely passing another vehicle
- Please slow down if only a little
- Please concentrate on driving while you are driving
- Please never drive while impaired. That includes many prescription drugs as well.
I guess that's it. I realize that's a lot of favours and some of them are rather large. I hope you will consider them though. A friend of mine lost his life very recently because someone didn't take the time to
think about these things. Now, with many Island children back in school and everyone rushing a little more, it seems even more important that we try a little harder to drive safely and watch out for each other.
Thank you so much and I promise to do my best,
Excellent recommendations! If everyone would follow them we would have much safer highways.
One very important one you left out is PLEASE DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE.
Well put Dale! Please don't drive while impaired by any substance is a good addition for sure, but you certainly covered a lot of the key issues for drivers!
Good points. I think the PLEASE DON"T DRIVE WHILE IMPAIRED goes without saying, but it is now added to the list.
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