Would you believe...
During this morning's news updates on K-Rock there was a segment on a recent study that had been conducted. Researchers have determined that sitting for long periods of time, such as 8 hours per day, may be bad for your health and could be a factor that would lead to obesity.
I hope we, the taxpayer didn't pay a lot for this research. I have a feeling we did.
As a public service to taxpayers everywhere I am offering up the following research results free of charge. No studies will ever need to be conducted on the following.
1. Breathing will prolong your life.
2. Eating has been shown as a possible cause of excrement.
3. Water prevents dehydration.
4. Sleeping is an effective treatment for tiredness.
5. Not spending money on stupid research projects will save tax payer dollars.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled 8 hours of sitting.
no wonder your so fat!! :)
Ha ha ha..... I love it!
I really miss your blogs. Get busy in the next 8 hours and write some more.
Fried farts and onions was what I was always told. Perhaps a bit more substantial and nourishing than your fare.
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